Provide diapers to families in need in Minnesota.

Increase awareness about diaper need in Minnesota.

Advocate for changes to improve conditions for babies who need diapers.

Learn More

How can i get diapers?

The Diaper Bank of Minnesota works with agencies throughout Minnesota to provide diapers to families in need. If you are in need of clean diapers for your little infant or toddler, one of these agencies may be able to help.

Where can i donate diapers?

Learn about the four easy ways to help the Diaper Bank of Minnesota provide clean diapers to families in need.

Did You Know?

One-in-two (47%) families cannot afford enough diapers to keep their infants and toddlers clean, dry, and healthy. That means that more than 125,000 Minnesota children ages 0-3 experience diaper need.

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Our News & Announcements

National Diaper Need Awareness Week 2024

National Diaper Need Awareness Week is just around the corner, Sept 23 – 29 1 in 4 parents miss work or school because they can’t afford the diapers required to leave their baby in childcare. 1 in 2 U.S. families with young children experience diaper need. Diapers...

National Diaper Awareness Week 2023

Help Diaper Bank of Minnesota recognize Diaper Need Awareness Week,  Sept 18 – 24! Did you know? The National Diaper Bank Network Diaper Check 2023 survey found that 1 in 2 U.S. families with young children experience diaper need – a dramatic increase from the 1 in 3...

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