Did you know that the Minnesota legislature is considering funding bills that would help food shelves provide diapers for low income families?
HF1861 and SF249 are amendments to budget bills that would enable food shelves in Minnesota to purchase diapers for low-income families. This year’s proposal is for $130,000, which would be enough for food shelves to purchase up to 1 million diapers for babies in need.
But we need your help to get these amendments into the final budget bills. Please call your Minnesota representatives and senators! Not sure who they are? Go to http://www.gis.leg.mn/iMaps/districts/, put in your address, and you can see all of the public servants who represent you.
Please consider calling, emailing or writing a letter of support. Here are templates you can feel free to use!

Email template for contacting legislators
Dear [your senator or representative’s name],
Thank you for your service to our community. I am writing today to ask for your support of HF1861 and SF249. Both of these budget amendments will enable food shelves in Minnesota will be able to purchase diapers for the 1 in 3 Minnesota families who cannot afford enough diapers on their own.
Did you know that 33% of Minnesota families have to choose between purchasing enough food, or buying diapers for their children 3 and under? This shouldn’t happen in our communities. And these budget amendments give you a chance to do something about it!
Please support HF1861 and SF249 to show that Minnesotans support low-income families, and that we are dedicated to taking care of children in our state.
[your name and address]